Michael Jamlang, L.Ac, MSOM

Licensed Acupuncturist

At Aligned Modern Health, we treat every patient as an individual. All of our Acupuncturists have extensive experience in treating a variety of conditions and all hold a Masters or Doctorate degrees in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from the top acupuncture schools in the world.

About Michael Jamlang

Michael is a graduate of Midwest College of Oriental Medicine and is a licensed Acupuncturist and NCCAOM certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine. After graduation, Michael has passed through different specialist clinics to widen his scope of understanding. Michael has practiced orthopedic and oncologic acupuncture rehabilitation in Mercy Hospital, treated fertility patients in the Gynecology Institute of Chicago, and addressed musculoskeletal pain and stress in a few community-style clinics in Chicago, one being Lincoln Square Community Acupuncture.

Michael started practicing acupuncture in 2009, but has been treating pain since 2002 as a licensed massage therapist. He draws heavily from his experience as a massage therapist in his acupuncture practice, where most sessions include bodywork and posture/ergonomic recommendations to help further patient progress.

Though musculoskeletal pain, stress, gynecologic and gastrointestinal issues has constituted much of Michael’s practice, he holds much interest in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and chronic life-long conditions and is actively engaged in acquiring experience and knowledge in these fields through Continuing Education classes and completing a Doctorate in Oriental Medicine.

Michael truly believes in the idea of multi-modality, wholistic medicine where in-clinic acupuncture treatments is a potent functional factor in a patient’s quest for better health. He welcomes and actively works with other practitioner’s ongoing treatment to assist patient progress.

Q&A with Michael Jamlang

What are you most passionate about professionally? Personally?

Professionally, I am passionate about long term stress reduction. Stress factors in much of our perception of health and pain that much of my intent during treatment is modulating both physical and emotional stress. Personally, besides reading and biking, I am passionate about teaching and helping to explain Chinese Medicine to both my students and patients alike.

What three traits define you?

Perceptive, humble and intuitive

What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

Teaching Chinese medicine

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

I can’t live without coffee, tea or some type of hot-warm beverage.

How long have you been working in your field?

As of 2020, I’ve been in the acupuncture field closing in to 11 years.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

For 3 years in the early 2000’s, I spent my working days entertaining and educating Japanese middle school students as an assistant English teacher. It was a Japanese governmental job that had very loose parameters. Nonetheless, I loved the funny interactions I had with the kids as well as the rural Japanese environment.

How does your education connect to your professional career? What about personal experiences?

I had a very eclectic path towards my final career in Chinese Medicine. I taught, translated, made chocolates, assisted in creating an etymological dictionary and massaged an army. Throughout these endeavors, I met many, experienced much and learned a lot about people. I believe that this all allows me to be a rounded individual that can communicate with most people and truly feel sympathy towards others.

What problems do you consistently solve for your clients?

My patients don’t expect it from an acupuncturist, but I help identify (not solve perhaps) both emotional and physical patterns that most people label as ‘habits’. I usually am able to assist patients in being more conscious about how beneficial or not beneficial these habits are in the present moment.

What are you complimented on most in your work?

Besides pain relief, I’m sometimes happily surprised when a patient or student comments how approachable I am and how I am easy to talk to.

Who is your ideal client and why should they connect with you?

I believe my ideal client is one that is going through difficult time where pain and symptoms seem to be worse when stress is increased. On the other hand, I have great results with patients with purely musculoskeletal issues as well, working on maintenance or with a chiropractor or physical therapist in order to achieve a goal.

In your work or creative process, what concepts are sacred? Which rules have you made, which ones do you follow?

I believe that everyone is process of constant transformation, a Daoist thought, and that I am beholden to this process only as an assistant. Change cannot be forced and is ultimately achieved by the patient alone. I, as a practitioner, can only offer to assist in the process and perhaps translate what the body tries to tell his or her own person in terms of symptoms and pain.

What is your grand, audacious goal? What do you wish people would know, believe, do?

My audacious goal is to spread to anyone I know the wealth of Chinese Medicine accumulated through centuries of trial and error. This I try to do in any form, as an educational lesson, an acupuncture treatment or an adjunct therapy assisting patient progress.

Do you have any other passions of personal goals that you would like to share?

Apropos to the COVID situation, I have recently been sharpening my nascent culinary skills at home. Recently I’ve been focusing on Indian and, my default, Filipino cuisine. A current educational goal for me is to be more knowledgeable about functional medicine and its cross application to Chinese Medicine.

What do you do for fun in your spare time? What are your hobbies?

I picked up biking earlier this year and have been getting happily lost in many Chicago neighborhoods. This reminds me how beautiful and varied the parts of the city are. Beside that, probability says that in my free time, I’m probably holed in my condo reading random books on Chinese Medicine or playing an RPG on my PS4.

Share something unique that most people don’t know about you.

I am a linguaphile. I love learning the etymology of words, learning languages and speaking in tongues.


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