Shilpa Patel, MS, CNS, LDN, RDH

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist

Whether you want to eliminate pain, increase your energy, or address unresolved symptoms of existing health concerns, our team is ready to work with you to create a roadmap for optimal wellness.

About Shilpa

Shilpa Patel, MS, RD, LDN, RDH graduated with her bachelor’s degree in health science and master’s degree in human nutrition from University of Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Shilpa offers nutrition education and counseling in a variety of health conditions including but unlimited to healthy eating, being mindfulness, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, heart disease, weight management, autoimmune conditions, environmental allergies (CIRs), and many more. She integrates individualized dietary and lifestyle approaches to optimize the overall health goal. She believes in Functional nutrition, inside-outside healing with balanced nutritional and lifestyle environment: “Food is Medicine.”

Shilpa is a board-certified Nutrition Specialist and licensed dietitian nutritionist in the state of Illinois.

Q&A with Shilpa

What are you most passionate about professionally? Personally?

Professionally, I am passionate about helping others to improve their health and make a difference.

Personally, I am passionate about observing the “change or success” in one’s life. Also, continuation of advancement by reading current journals to keep up with my skills at the best.

What three traits define you?

Mindset: I like to complete the task that I set my mind on. Not a quitter. If plan A doesn’t work, I try Plan B, C, and continue until my task/goal is achieved.

Thoughtfulness: I like to treat others the way I like to be treated. I also consider other’s benefits, be present when someone needs help or going through the tough phase.

Hopeful: I believe things happen for a reason and deliver a positive or negative outcome. Negative outcomes also play a role in growth opportunity.

Challenger: I like to challenge myself to learn and grow professionally and personally. It helps me expand my knowledge.

What would you do even if you didn’t get paid to do it?

Even if I don’t get paid to do things, I would still do it to help not only for someone else, but it also for my own benefits-helps me grow, give me peace and happiness. Money doesn’t buy everything!

What are you surprisingly good at?

I am surprisingly good at cooking, art-painting, and embroidery.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

My ethics.

What’s the biggest proof that you’re good at what you do?

My clients’ success and trust are my biggest proof that I am good at what I do.

How long have you been working in your field?

I’ve been in the healthcare profession since 1991. As a Nutritionist, I have been practicing since 2019.

What’s your biggest accomplishment?

My biggest accomplishments are:

completing college with two young kids and part time work. Also, the completion of the MS in Human nutrition and overcoming serious health challenge.

What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

No job is weird. Any job helps to define our path by bringing experience to grow.

How does your education connect to your professional career? What about personal experiences?

My education connects with my profession, Human Nutrition, in a way it helps me understand the biochemical functionality and nutrients needed to balance these functions to restore cell communication channel along with balanced lifestyle that leads to health improvement.

What problems do you consistently solve for your clients?

Constantly, I educate my clients regarding individualized diet and lifestyle modification and how it connects with healthy living.

What are you complimented on most in your work?

More often I hear client saying: happy to meet with me, non-judgmental, compassion, caring,

Who is your ideal client and why should they connect with you?

My ideal client is open for a change and willing to take his/her health journey in their own hands via diet and lifestyle modifications. I also like challenges and observing outcomes.

In your work or creative process, what concepts are sacred? Which rules have you made, which ones do you follow?

In my work or creative process, sacred concepts that I follow would be:

my ethics-integrity, honesty, open communication channel, teamwork, and be present with my teammates. I pay attention to the details, analyze it, and implement it.

What is your grand, audacious goal? What do you wish people would know, believe, do?

My goal would be to open up my practice along with my son (PT) to help people maintain health for a long-term: diet, lifestyle-behavior modifications.

Do you have any other passions or personal goals that you would like to share?

My other personal goal would be to outreach the community to bring awareness and simple way to promote healthy living.

Do you have any family members or pets to include in your bio?

I am thankful and grateful to my family: husband, two children and my mom and brothers who is been very supportive in my success.

During my health journey, first time ever I felt how therapeutic the pets can be-my daughter’s puppy, Oakley who gives me kisses and brings me joy, happiness.

What do you do for fun in your spare time? What are your hobbies?

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, reading, painting, and sewing.

Share something unique that most people don’t know about you.

With zero knowledge and an unknown field, I went to dental hygiene program, Registered Dental hygienist, and work hard to be the best possible RDH I can be. After many years practicing RDH, I went back to Nutrition world to link: Mouth Body connection.


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